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2015 Book Market in Turkey Report

2016 Book Market in Turkey Report


Total Population (2015) 77.695.904


Fundamental Publishing Data
Number of publishers 1.732
Number of bookstores (book selling points) 1.532
Number of distribution companies (approx.) 145
Number of new titles (2016 ISBN data) 54.414
Number of books produced (2016 Banderole numbers) 384.054.363
Number of textbooks (Distributed free of charge) 236.697.255
Total number of books produced

*Except less than 48 pages educational books

Number of books produced per capita 8
VAT charged for books and e-books  %8 (Standard rate %18)


2015 End Year Book Wholesales Market

Segments Market Size (Million $) Market Size (Million $) Market Share (%)
Educational Books 790 51,20%
a. Textbooks 141
b. Supplementary Textbooks 185
c. Exam Preparation Books 464
Trade Books 487 34,42%
a. Adult fiction 62
b. Adult nonfiction 240
c. Religion 136
d. Children and youth 49
Academic Books 31 2,19%
Imported Books 107 7,56%
a. ELT Books 50
b. Other imported books (academic books, library purchases etc.) 57
TOTAL 1.415 100,00%


2015 End Year Book Retail Market

Segments Market Size (Million $) Market Size (Million $) Market Share (%)
Educational Books 1.088  51.20%
a. Textbooks 141
b. Supplementary Textbooks 285
c. Exam Preparation Books 662
Trade Books 811  38.16%
a. Adult fiction 104
b. Adult nonfiction 400
c. Religion  226
d. Children and youth  81
Academic Books 48  2,26%
Imported Books 178  8,38%
a. ELT Books 72
b. Other imported books (academic books, library purchases etc.) 81
TOTAL 2.125  100,00%